Nanoprobes: Nanoparticle Technology for Imaging, Microscopy and Biodetection

Updated: September 11, 2024

VivoVist™: The Ultimate Micro CT Contrast Agent

Best Performance · Best Value · Best Price
  • VivoVist™ provides approximately 3-4 times higher contrast than competing commercial microCT contrast agents
  • Long blood half-life of 14 hrs. Enables extended imaging times and longer diffusion into tumors and other features of interest
  • Lowest price - affordable rat imaging! Less than two vials provides good contrast in a 250 g rat.
  • Low toxicity (4 g/kg is well-tolerated). Produce super-high contrst in fine structures and accelerate loading of tumors
  • Low osmolality, even at high concentrations - minimal metabolic disruption
  • Low viscosity: easy to inject into small mouse tail vein blood vessels
  • Image with MicroCT, clinical CT, planar X-ray, or mammography units - flexibility for any desired instrument configuration
  • Enhances radiotherapy - higher X-ray dose to tumors and other targets





1.4 nm and 5 nm Click Nanogold®

Choose: copper-free or copper-catalyzed Click labeling!

Now available: our 5 nm Click Nanogold® reagents are the first 5 nm Nanogold® labeling reagents. Available with azido-, alkyne, and DBCO functionality for copper-catalyzed (CuAAC) and copper-free (SPAAC) click labeling.

  • Bioorthogonal labeling lets you label selectively in living cells, tissues and even animals without cross-reactivity.
  • Label dynamic processes then pick your time to fix and observe their parts at the macromolecular level.
  • Stable, biocompatible and well tolerated by living cells: do not disrupt life processes or cell viability.
  • Undecagold (0.8 nm) available for specialized high-resolution EM applications.
Nanogold® Click labeling reactions

Featured Application: Western Blotting

Detect His-tagged or native proteins quickly and easily with high sensitivity

  • GoldiBlot™ detects His-tagged recombinant proteins. Binding strength comparable to antibodies, fast development and consistent performance. No antibodies required: procedure complete in 1 hour 15 minutes. Learn more
  • EnzMet™ provides super-sensitive detection of native, unmodified proteins: just replace DAB or other organic chromogens in almost any peroxidase-based procedure. Learn more
Western blots
5 and 10 nm Ni-NTA-Nanogold®

See His-tagged proteins

directly under EM

with gold nanoparticles

No silver or gold development required

Doc Hainfeld "We've created a simple reagent that labels any His-tagged recombinant protein for imaging, even under EM, in just one step."

 -- James F. Hainfeld, PhD
Nanoprobes founder.


The Power of
comes to Super-Resolution!

2-in-1 Labels for
BOTH Super-Res and TEM

See your target in its cellular context!

  • Alexa Fluor® 647 dye for Super-Res (STORM)
  • PLUS Nanogold® particles for visibility in TEM
  • Covalently bound for stability, long working times
  • Convenient secondary antibody/Fab' or streptavidin
  • Get both in a single, standard labeling procedure
  • Easy kits to enhance for light/phase microscopy


Our mission at Nanoprobes is to harness chemistry, biology and nanotechnology to engineer the most sensitive reagents and nanotechnology for detecting, locating and visualizing biological molecules.

Our unique gold nanoparticle labeling technology uses chemically cross-linked metal clusters and nanoparticles as labels.

Unlike conventional immunogold probes, in which colloidal gold particles are electrostatically adsorbed to antibodies and proteins, our gold nanoparticle labels are uncharged molecules which are cross-linked to specific sites on biomolecules. This gives our nanogold probes greater range and versatility than colloidal gold.

Our labels can be attached to any molecule with a reactive group -- proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides, small molecules and lipids -- for detection and localization. Other labels can be combined with our gold particle labels; our unique FluoroNanogold probes combine Nanogold® and fluorescein into a single probe for imaging a specimen both by fluorescence and electron microscopy. Our gold nanoparticles, including our Nanogold™ conjugates, and Nanogold™ labeling reagents, are formulated for use with electron microscopy (tem) as well as light microscopy, immunolabeling, x-ray contrast for EM, angiography, mammography and microCT, and for correlative and fluorescence microscopy imaging.

New probes can be engineered based on any fragment of a naturally occurring biomolecule, and the label can be positioned away from the binding site so it does not interfere with binding.

Our Nanogold® probes have been cited in over 250 publications, and are used in the laboratories of several Nobel Laureates.

It's all about creating better tools and finding innovative solutions, so that research and treatments can move ahead.

Drop us a line and let us know what you're working on. We'll be glad to help.

  Nanoprobes, Inc.
95 Horseblock Road, Unit 1
Yaphank, NY 11980-9710


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